domingo, 29 de abril de 2012

What to eat after you work out

After a cardiovascular workout wait a half hour, and then have a high quality protein meal or snack like a LEAN Shake. If it's time for a meal, have something like a spinach salad and some grilled chicken breast. Or if it's breakfast have eggs or yogurt and fruit. The reason you want to wait for a half hour after your exercise is to keep your body in the fat burning mode connected to your exercise. If you wait more than an hour you'll start to slow down your metabolism because your body goes into starvation, fat-storage mode.

After a weight-bearing workout you'll want a different approach… you'll want your calories to be absorbed rapidly. Why? Because after a resistance workout, you have about an hour to get nutrients in to help repair your damaged muscles. If you miss feeding your muscles during this hour, their ability to repair themselves and grow stronger will drop off dramatically.

After an intense workout, your stomach and digestive tract won't function as efficiently as it will later. It takes a lot of blood flow to do its job. If you've just exercised, a lot of your blood is still in your muscles. That's why the best post workout meal on weight-bearing-exercise days is a protein shake like LEAN and a starchy carbohydrate like a banana. The banana your easily-digested carb, and with the shake they are both absorbed quickly. Have your fast-release post workout meal within 15 to 30 minutes of your intense weight training session.

When you'll start adjusting your timing for these fitness meals, you'll feel your clothes starting to fit better within a few weeks. A healthy fitness lifestyle is the only true fountain of youth. Train hard and eat wisely and you can expect success.

1. Stock up on plenty of LEAN Shakes for your post exercise meals.

2. Prepare a shopping list so you always have the right kinds of meals available after your exercise, even when you need to work out at an unexpected time during the day.

miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012

What does it really cost you to eat cheap junk food?

In 2010, the average family in America spent a little over 9 percent of their income on food. That's 5.5 percent eating at home and 3.9 percent eating out. In the 1960s that percentage was 17 percent. In 1930 it was 24 percent. People in most other countries now spend more than 18 percent of their income on food.

Cheaper food may seem like a great benefit, but while we save a few dollars on our meals, we're paying far more in our health. Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore's Dilemma said it well:
"Cheap food is an illusion. There is no such thing as cheap food. The real cost of the food is paid somewhere. And if it isn't paid at the cash register, it's charged to the environment or to the public purse in the form of subsidies. And it's charged to your health." You either pay a little more now for quality, healthy food or you pay later. In terms of healthy food, you get what you pay for in health and energy.

Why are Americans so fat and sick?
It's the quality of the food. For many fresh produce is hard to find but processed food is everywhere. If you eat mostly $1 burgers and super-size soda, your food may be cheap, but your health care expenses will far exceed what you save because cheap food is the recipe for obesity, diabetes and heart disease.
Farm subsidies bring you high-fructose corn syrup in sodas and most cheap fast food, animal factories, monoculture, and a host of other contributors to our unhealthful contemporary diet.
Heart disease is a direct result of a poor diet. Heart disease costs Americans $189.4 billion every year and by 2030 that is expected to triple. ("Americans Eat the Cheapest Food in the World, But What is It Really Costing?" April 14, 2012.)

When you spend more on healthy food, you're investing wisely in your most valuable asset…
More and more Americans are starting to demand more healthy foods. That means a little time in the kitchen and searching for restaurants that serve quality foods. It also means a change in mindset, and that can be challenging. 

People with a healthy mindset see empty, processed foods as…

• Excess calories that will hurt your body and contribute to obesity
• A mixture of chemicals and artificial flavors that could have side effects and lead to disease
• A waste of money
• An increase in health care
• Definitely not something to feed children, whose bodies are developing

Knowing that you're only putting only healthy food into your body may cost a little more, but then again it might not. And what it saves you in your overall health and energy is immeasurable.


1. Instead of buying expensive cereal boxes, opt for breakfasts built on foods like eggs, fresh vegetables, raw fruit and yogurt.

2. Prepare meals at home instead of eating out.

3. Learn how your grandmother fed the family in generations past like using chicken to make stock for a pot of soup and extending a Sunday roast to use for weekday dinners. She made hearty stews from inexpensive cuts of meat, leftovers and so forth.

4. You can save by shopping once a week and planning a week's meals at a time.

5. Preparing meals once a week and having them ready for lunches and ready-to-heat-and-serve meals each evening can also save you time and money.

6. Eating a lunch prepared at home will typically be healthier and save you money. 


Start Today! 

sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

Why correct habits are more important than genes

While it is true that your risk of being obese is 2.5 times greater if you have double copies of a particular gene, it's also true that good nutrition and regular exercise habits definitely neutralize the effects of these genes. The most critical habit to adjust is what you eat. And that's where Xyngular helps.

Researchers have discovered over and over that exercise lowers the effect of the risky gene, but a more recent study focuses on the effect of the gene related to food habits. The FTO gene that appears to be responsible for weight gain, is common in many people. The study reveals that 17 percent of people have double copies, meaning that they received it from both of their parents. Then 40 percent have a single copy of this gene.

These FTO genes act on the part of the brain that determines appetite and satiety. But we are not slaves to these genes. It's a myth that obesity is caused by them. In a breakthrough discovery, scientists concluded that genetic pre-disposition to obesity is completely preventable with proper nutrition, especially in early childhood. The key to reversing this predisposition is the appetite-controlling hormone leptin that Dr. Mercola speaks so much about (, September 29, 2009).

The skinny on fat
Many people believe that a strict low-fat diet is the best way to lose weight, but there are an increasing number of studies that are showing that low-carb diets like we suggest in the IGNITE™ system are more effective for weight loss. Here's why.

Your cells can most easily get fuel from either sugar or fat. But your body first burns all the sugar it can find before it starts burning fat. So if you eat a plate of pasta (which immediately becomes sugar in your body) along with a little olive oil and meatballs (fat and protein). Your body has to first take care of the pasta, and whatever can't be burned away immediately will be stored as fat. The fat in the olive oil and meatballs is also stored as fat.

The more carbs you eat, the more your cells get used to burning sugar as their favorite fuel. You begin to crave it more than fat.

Dr. Ron Rosedale tells us that, "People get fat not so much because they eat fat, but because their bodies have forgotten how to burn it, and because of poor hormonal communication" ( September 29, 2009).
Yes, there's more to the story of appetite regulation than simply having an FTO gene acting on your hypothalamus, as you read about in weight-loss articles.

Your appetite is in large part governed by the hormone leptin. By following the IGNITE program, you put your body into fat-burning mode by controlling the leptin and allowing your body to rest from producing so much insulin.

How leptin regulates your weight
If you, like most Americans, eat lots of sugar, bread, baked goods, crackers, cookies and other carbs; your body won't be able to handle all that excessive sugar, so it will keep turning it into more and more fat to get it out of the bloodstream.

For awhile, you'll just keep gaining weight, but then your fat stores will begin filling up and when there nowhere else to store the extra sugar, it starts overloading your blood stream causing leptin resistance. This means that your body actually forgets how to burn fat properly.

The solution isn't a low-fat diet, but rather less carbs and sugar, natural products that help with satiety and more protein… and even some healthy fats to help reduce the cravings. But the key is healthy fats like olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds; not trans fats or highly processed fats found in most vegetable oils, chips and greasy foods. And, of course, one of the most important ways to reset your body on fat-burning mode is exercise… a sensible, moderate and consistent program of stretching, aerobic and weight-bearing exercise.

1. Take another look at the IGNITE plan and see how you're following it for basic weight maintenance. If you're eating too many carbs in the evening, make concrete plans to change it. 

2. Go through your pantry and check out the types of fat you find. Make any necessary changes so you're getting plenty of healthy fats. Your brain and your body will thank you.

3. Make sure your exercise program includes (1) stretching, (2) aerobic and (3) weight bearing routines 4 to 8 times a week. 


Start Today! 

jueves, 19 de abril de 2012

Even a little weight loss makes a big difference in your health

Being overweight and trying again and again to lose those extra pounds produces so many anxieties and crazy ways of thinking that too many people have given up. Since most of the anxiety associated with being overweight early in our lives is emotional, and we meet so much failure from dieting, we rarely think about the health benefits we may be missing some day far in the future. That is until our feelings of being trapped are set. Because significant weight loss requires real patience and commitment, many people give up when it doesn't all come off in one extremely difficult diet. Maybe it's time to start thinking about the amazing incremental health benefits of weight loss and make them the real reason for doing Xyngular® on an ongoing basis, a few pounds every week.

Health impact
Even small reductions in weight can make a huge impact on our health. We don't have to look like an aerobic instructor to feel significantly better and have remarkably better health. Research has shown that even a small amount of weight loss of… say 5 percent to 10 percent weight loss (kept off) is going to produce surprising health benefits in future years.

More than half of the adult population in America is overweight. Many overweight or obese people believe that only a huge and dramatic reduction in body weight can produce noticeable health benefits. But research reveals that losing even a small amount of weight can produce benefits and that can be significant enough reason to keep persistently losing weight safely on Xyngular products.

Economic benefits
If better health is not enough, you may be interested to learn that research shows that there are significant economic benefits linked to losing weight as well. According to research in the October 1999 American Journal of Public Health, people who lost 10% of total body weight, and kept it off, saved about $5,200 in medical expenses throughout their life. This is money spent on treating such things as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, and many other obesity-related problems ("Even Modest Weight Loss Is Good for Your Health.", January 2, 2008).

1. Instead of only measuring your weight loss success in inches and pounds lost, start noticing the health benefits you get from your weight loss. Write them in your journal. Share them on Facebook. They can be more compelling to some people than the dramatic before-and-after photos.

2. If you've lost only a little weight on Xyngular so far, imagine the economic benefits you'll receive when you don't have to pay all the doctor and pharmacy bills for hypertension, acid reflux, diabetes, arthritis, etc. Look around your family and ask about the expenses of those who are overweight. 


Start Today! 

viernes, 13 de abril de 2012

Keep your cool for better weight loss results

New research suggests that overweight women can exercise longer with better results if they cool the palms of their hands while they exercise. A 12-week trial showed that overweight women using a hand cooling device increased their exercising heart rate from 136 to 154 beats per minute; lost 2 inches off their waist, and lowered their blood pressure from 139/84 to 124/70. A non-cooling group experienced no substantial differences in any of these measurements even though they did the same amount of exercise.

As we move into warmer months of the year and we begin more exercise out of doors, you may want to consider the results of this interesting research. Fat tissue is a highly effective insulator. This makes people who are overweight get too hot while they exercise and actually reduce the effectiveness of their exercise. 

Professional athletes sometimes use hand-held cooling devices to lower their temperature during exercise. That prompted researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine to test a hand-cooling device on overweight women to help them with overheating and fatigue while they exercised. According to MSN Health,

"[Researchers] assigned the women to one of two groups: both held the cooling device in their palms, but only one group had cool water (60.8 degrees Fahrenheit) running through the device... The cooling group shaved more than five minutes off their time for the 1.5 mile treadmill test... Their exercising heart rate went up, too, 136 beats per minute to 154 beats per minute — a good thing. The cooling group also took more than two inches off their waist by end of the 12-week study. … Their blood pressure also went down, from 139/84 to 124/70. (Below 120/80 is the goal.) In contrast, the comparison group didn't show any substantial differences in any of the measures…" (MSN Health March 13, 2012)

The connection between staying cool and raising your metabolism

Dr. Joseph Mercola recently wrote about another research finding that helps explain why our metabolism speeds up when we're exposed to cold. The study showed that brown fat is activated by cold temperatures. In the study, "men burned more calories when cooled, and lost white fat, the kind that causes obesity" ("This Simple Hand Trick Helped Participants Melt Away Flab" March 30 2012. Also Journal of Clinical Investigation 2012 Feb 1;122(2):486-9). This supported findings from previous research, which also found that cold temperatures can increase activity in your brown fat regions. In fact, cold-induced glucose uptake was increased by a factor of 15!

Other researchers found that brown fat actually behaves more like muscle than fat so. So whatever can be done to isolate and decrease white fat while maintaining brown fat, that would contribute to weight loss. ( Evidently exercising in cooler temperatures help this to happen.
Tim Ferriss, author of The Four-Hour Body, claims we can increase our fat burning by lowering the temperatures of our body. "… He saw people's metabolism boost by 20 percent in environments as mild as 60 degrees." (LiveStrong June 6, 2011) Ferris' theory is that when you cool your body, you're basically forcing it to burn many more calories by activating your brown fat.

Dr. Mercola suggested that we ease into Ferris' techniques by simply having more ice water, using ice packs to cool our muscles, and taking cooler showers.


1. Take advantage of cool weather this spring to try exercising in temperatures around 60 degrees. See if it makes a difference in how long and how intensely you are able exercise.

2. Try a wet towel, ice pack or other cooling device as you exercise. 

3.Drink ice water, take cool showers and simply turn the temperature down a little to see how it helps speed up your metabolism and increases the effectiveness of your exercise. 


Start Today! 

martes, 10 de abril de 2012

7 Troubling Side Effects of Soda

Do you need another reason to break your addiction to sodas? We've got seven that you may not have considered, and they're not pleasant.

Soda's Bitter Side Effects
You've undoubtedly heard and read plenty of reasons why soda isn't good for you. It's all sugar water with empty nutrition. It encourages obesity and diabetes. Here are seven other troubling facts you may not know about.

#1. You get fat in strange places
Danish research recently showed that non-diet soda leads to an excessive amount of fat buildup around the liver and skeletal muscles, which contributes to insulin resistance and diabetes. The research showed that drinking a regular soda daily for six months resulted in a 132 to 142 percent increase in liver fat and a 117 to 221 percent rise in skeletal fat. Researchers also saw an 11 percent increase in cholesterol, compared with those who drank water or milk. 

#2. Diet-soda paunch
It's no surprise that sugar in sodas cause weight gain, but did you know that even diet soda packs on the weight. Research at the University of Texas Health Science Center was conducted with 475 adults for 10 years. Those who drank diet soda regularly had a striking 70 percent increase in waist circumference over the 10 years compared with those who drank no soda. But those who had more than two diet sodas a day saw a whopping 500 percent waist expansion! Evidence from a different study by the same researchers on mice suggested that the cause was the aspartame, which elevated blood glucose levels and quickly converted the excess to body fat. 

#3. Caramel color causes cancer
In 2011, the Center for Science in the Public Interest formally petitioned the Food and Drug Administration to ban the chemical caramel colors containing 2-methylimidazole and 4-methylimidazole used to give Coke, Pepsi and other colas their deep brown color. Research has found that they cause cancer in animals, an unnecessary threat since the coloring is only cosmetic. California has a strict Proposition 65 list of chemicals known to be cancer causing. It claims that only 16 mcg per person per day of 4-methylimidazole will pose a cancer threat. Most colas, both diet and regular, contain 200 mcg in a 20-ounce bottle. 

#4. Faster aging
All colas contain phosphoric acid, both diet and regular. It's that weak acid that gives colas a tangy flavor and extends their shelf life. Phosphates are found in many whole foods like meat, dairy and nuts. But too much can lead to kidney and heart conditions, osteoporosis and muscle loss. One study in a 2010 issue of the FASEB Journal suggests that it could accelerate aging. This is especially disturbing because soda manufacturers have been raising the levels of phosphoric acid in sodas the past few decades.

#5. Municipal water pollution
The artificial sweeteners from diet sodas don't break down in our bodies, nor do wastewater-treatment plants filter them out before they get into our waterways. In 2009, Swiss researchers found levels of acesulfame K, sucralose, and saccharin, principally from diet sodas in their rivers, lakes and municipal water. A recent test of 19 U.S. municipal water districts showed artificial sweeteners in every one. Researchers have found that artificial sweeteners in rivers and lakes interfere with the feeding habits of some important aquatic organisms on which healthy ecosystems depend. 

#6. Mountain Dew brain
Dentists have labeled a mouth full of cavities from high sugar levels "Mountain Dew Mouth." But "Mountain Dew Brain" may be the next association because of brominated vegetable oil, or BVO. It's an industrial chemical used as a flame retardant in plastics. It's also used in other citrus-based sodas and sports drinks. It's known to cause memory loss and nerve disorders when taken in large quantities. Researchers suspect that it builds up in body fat, causing possible behavioral problems, infertility and damage to heart muscles over time. 

#7. Dead waterfowl
On the Midway Atoll in the Pacific Ocean, you'll find the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch," a huge collection of plastic debris where soda caps, soda can netting, and other plastic garbage floats near the surface of the water. Birds, sea turtles and other wildlife mistake the debris for food, which they can't digest. Ultimately, the plastic makes them starve to death. Thousands of animals, fish and waterfowl die this way every year.

1. Eliminate sodas from your pantry. Set an example for your family and friends.

2. Circle the reasons to stop drinking sodas that are most compelling to you and could be good reasons for those you care about to stop. Share these reasons.

3. When you're offered a soda, think of the reason you read here that is most disgusting to you.


Start Today! 

Are you exhausted around 2:00 in the afternoon?

Most people start drifting off at about 2:00 in the afternoon. Here's how it happens. They binged on foodless foods and lifeless drinks before bed and then had trouble getting out of bed in the morning.

 Then they either skipped breakfast entirely or grabbed something empty like a bowl of carb-heavy cereal or a donut and coffee for breakfast.

About 10 a.m. they felt a craving for coffee or a Coke and a donut. Later they might have gone to the vending machine for a candy bar. 

At noon they were off for more foodless fast food and lifeless drinks.
The only exercise they had was walking from the kitchen out the door to the garage and from the parking garage into the office.

Should it be any surprise that they would begin yawning at 2:00 with all those habits? What if you were to try this?

Don't eat a huge meal or lots of lifeless snacks before bed so you're digesting food all night at the same time as your body's trying to recover from a long day. If you're hungry at night, try a LEAN shake.

Wake up and have your XYNG™. Allow enough time for a little exercise and a healthy Xyngular® LEAN Shake or a high-protein breakfast like an omelette. 

Walk around the block a couple of times before you get in your car to drive to work. At work keep a handy high-protein snack in your desk drawer to use whenever you feel the least bit hungry. If you're not too hungry at lunch, you'll eat fewer calories—what about a salad with grilled chicken breast?

Then try to yawn at 2:00 p.m. It won't happen. You'll get more done. What you do will be done better.
It's only a matter of choices, isn't it? 

1. Create your own "anti-yawn" regimen and try it out. Post your results on Facebook. 

2. Check your shopping lists, desk drawers, and pantry for empty calories that sabotage your weight-loss efforts. Stock up on plenty of great foods that support your weight-loss, anti-exhaustion efforts.


Start Today!

miércoles, 4 de abril de 2012

30 Simple and Creative Healthy Snacks

One of the secrets of healthy weight control is having lots of healthy snacks within easy reach. Here are 30 choices from the simple and the basic to the creative and unusual for parties and family fun.

  1. Colorful raw vegetables. Try unique and interesting varieties like jicama, avocados, raw fennel, raw sticks or slices of yam, summer squash, cherry tomatoes, snow peas, etc.
  2. Freeze yogurt for a yogurt popsicle
  3. Apples, pears, bananas, oranges, mangos, figs, berries, and other interesting fruit with a Greek yogurt fruit dip
  4. 1 medium piece of fruit (peach, orange or nectarine) sliced.
  5. Dried fruit like prunes, dates, figs, and raisins mixed with nuts
  6. Nuts and seeds of all kinds (watch the salt)
  7. A low-fat string cheese wrapped with a slice of lean turkey
  8. A carb-controlled, high fiber tortilla spread with hummus or avocado
  9. A lettuce wrap with chicken, turkey, or ham
  10. A frozen banana, grapes, berries, or other fruit mixed with nuts
  11. Non-fat cottage cheese with fresh raw fruit
  12. Hard boiled eggs
  13. Smoothies with LEAN™ and XypStix™
  14. Try all the flavors of hummus for veggie dips
  15. Celery spread with peanut butter
  16. Baked whole-grain crackers topped with hummus, peanut butter, and veggie bites
  17. Try no-calorie carbonated drinks like seltzer, sparkling water, and club soda mixed with lemon juice and stevia or XypStix™.
  18. Deli ham or turkey wrapped around a sweet pickle or dill pickle slice.
  19. Blend non-fat cottage cheese & lemon pepper for a quick veggie dip.
  20. Blend plain low-fat Greek yogurt with a scoop of LEAN for a light pudding.
  21. Add fresh fruit & nuts.
  22. Crunchy freeze dried fruits: try berries, apples, pineapple, and bananas.
  23. Enjoy spiced, roasted pumpkin seeds
  24. A tin of tuna or salmon with Dijon mustard in a pocket of whole grain pita bread
  25. Drained canned artichoke hearts with capers and olive oil. Eat with toothpicks
  26. Wrap smoked salmon in lettuce leaves
  27. Toss air-popped popcorn with olive oil, a little hot sauce and some crumbled blue cheese
  28. Whip up Xyngular Super Fruit Global Blend™ with kefir and cocoa powder
  29. Stuff figs and dates with almonds or hazel nuts
  30. Stir chopped fresh pineapple into salsa and season with ground cumin
  31. Spray air popped popcorn with olive oil and dust with buttermilk powder, celery salt and dill.
1. Keep a file of these snacks ideas near where you write your shopping list. Make sure you have your favorite fixings always on the list so you won't be tempted to shop for the unhealthy ones.

2. Share this list with family members. Get them to circle ideas they'd like to try or old favorites they'd like to have on hand more often or in greater variety.


Start Today!