viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2011

An amazing antioxidant your body produces when you give it a LEAN Shake

Your body is designed for health, but only if you give it all the ingredients it needs such as healthy foods, exercise, water, enough sleep, and you limit the toxic influences. It's important to supply sufficient antioxidants so you limit free radical and oxidative damage that can erode your health. Oxidation is what browns an apple when you cut it and leave it out.

Free radicals are reactive particles that damage your cells. They proliferate due to stress, poor diet, toxins, and even the basic process of metabolism.

Free radicals accelerate aging as well as the degenerative conditions associated with deteriorating health.

Fortunately your body has antioxidants that help to sweep up free radicals and neutralize them so they can't destroy your good health.
Your body naturally produces a wonderful network of antioxidants like vitamins, minerals, and special chemicals. Some are produced by the body, and others have to come from foods you eat.

One of these special chemicals is glutathione. It seems to take the lead in keeping the other antioxidants in check and in optimizing them

Glutathione (pronounced glute-a-thigh-own) is one of the most powerful antioxidants in your body. It can help maximize the action of all other antioxidants, including vitamins C and E, CoQ10, and the antioxidants you consume from fruits and vegetables.

As you would expect, the aging process gradually erodes your body's ability to create glutathione. Synthetic chemicals, toxins, and sugars also deplete your glutathione.
That's why you see glutathione supplements. However, glutathione doesn't seem to be as effective in supplement form as it is in real foods and juices. 

Most glutathione supplements are not absorbed well and are often a waste of money. And surprisingly, glutathione supplements may even interfere with the body's ability to produce glutathione on its own over time.
Fortunately there are ways of boosting glutathione levels naturally and protect you from the adverse effects of aging.
One way is to exercise, another is to get plenty of vitamin D. You'll find a supply of vitamin D in AXION.
Other foods, such as milk products, eggs, and meat contain concentrations of the precursor amino acids that help your body make glutathione. 

Fresh raw fruits and vegetables are excellent for glutathione production. Benefits are highest from fresh spinach, asparagus, avocado, cauliflower, broccoli, walnuts, and tomatoes. 

But the best food to maximize your body's glutathione production is quality whey protein like that found in LEAN Shakes. LEAN also provides all the key amino acids that help with glutathione production.

The high-quality whey protein and amino acids in LEAN can have these dramatic benefits: 

• Supports your body's best metabolism for fat burning
• Supports your joint and muscle health
• Supports your immune system
• Protects all your cells through its antioxidant effects
• Boosts your energy
• Supports your beneficial bacteria
• Promotes muscle strength, endurance, and recovery
• Provides key amino acids and proteins 

1. Put "glutathione" on your list of words to watch for in articles on health. When you see it, point it out to friends and let them know about LEAN Shakes.

2. Take another look at the list of benefits from improved glutathione production, and note all the people on your contact list who need to know about CORE4 and LEAN Shakes. Send them a link to this article with an excited phone call and a follow-up visit.

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