miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011

Are you being cheated at the grocery store?

f you wouldn't invest in ocean-front property in North Dakota, why would you allow yourself to be cheated, ripped off, deceived, conned, or duped at the grocery store or the drive thru? You may think you're getting a real bargain when you swipe your credit card at check-out, but you may be actually getting "foodless" foods (mega calories with mini-nutrition laced with synthetic colors and knock-your-socks-off flavorings) at a very high price.

You not only pay at checkout, but you pay again and even more at your HMO and drugstore when you inevitably go on slow life support for the side effects and diseases that low quality food gives you over time.

According to a large study published in the Journal of the American Dietetics Association (JADA, December 2005), whole foods (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes) are a much better bargain than empty foods when you account for the real nutrients you're getting. The study demonstrated that, although fruits and vegetables appear to be more expensive than empty foods like ramen noodles or macaroni and cheese, the essential nutrients you're getting make the fruits and vegetables a far greater bargain. 

"Fruits and vegetables had the highest score because they were nutrient-rich in relation to their low energy (calorie) content. They also had a relatively high nutrient-to-price ratio, showing that they provided nutrients at a reasonable cost when compared with other foods." There's no way to get your essential nutrients more affordably than by eating fruits and vegetables. 

The study evaluated 16 nutrients with recommended daily values because they are widely considered to be essential nutrients. It analyzed the relationships between calories, nutrients, and retail costs of 637 foods, 129 of which were fruits and vegetables. 

FDA considering modification of food label to show nutrient density per calorie
One surprising suggestion in the conclusion of the article is that the FDA has actually "contemplated a revision of the food label that is based on a nutrient density standard, i.e., the amount of a nutrient the food provided in relation to the energy that it contains." This means that in the future you may be able to tell how nutrient-rich a food is just by looking at a label and comparing it to the price. What a breakthrough that would be!

Until then, you'll have to take the Journal's word for it that whole foods are a huge bargain compared to the empty sodas, boxed foods, and fast foods you may now being lured into buying because of their cheap, bargain prices and crazy flavors. They're not a real value when there's so little nutrition. 

1. The next time you shop at the grocery store, imagine checking nutrition density per dollar on the label. Go for the foods in the perimeter of the store-produce, whole grain breads, lean meat, low-fat dairy, etc.
2. Develop a healthy system for the way you shop using a grocery list of nutrient-dense foods. Share it with your friends. 


martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011

Ten tips for a healthy Thanksgiving feast

Oh the diet nightmare...family members loading their plates with sweet sides, gravy galore, dessert buffets, and buttery mashed whatever... all for the holidays. 

Don't let food fear get you during the holidays. You know how to have a good time and do a few days of IGNITE™ later.

Here are 10 strategies to help you enjoy your holiday foods, keep the weight off, and feel great. 

1. Savor the moment. Eat slowly and engage in plenty of conversation. It gives you a greater sense of satisfaction, but studies show that slower eating helps appetite control. If you've been through IGNITE a time or two, you've learned how to eat until you are almost full, not stuffed full. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to recognize that your stomach's full. Slow down and savor each bite.

2. Stay well! Shop and select foods during the holidays that boost your immune system. Take your AXION™ and Super Fruit Global Blend™. Include plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and spices for all the wonderful phytonutrients and antioxidants they contain. Arrange them in colorful, holiday ways. Make them a wonderful holiday family tradition. Eating something filling and raw before going to the party will help you prepare mentally and physically for what's ahead.

3. Be active! Take walks, enjoy outdoor time, and schedule some exercise to boost your endorphins. You'll be more fun to be around. You could even take walks with family members, enjoy winter sports, or schedule a winter hike. 

4. Consider these substitutions in traditional holiday recipes.

• Instead of butter, use evaporated skim milk in mashed potatoes along with a soft spread.
• Use low-fat items for appetizers. Blend fat-free cottage cheese or non-fat cream cheese with fresh herbs until smooth and creamy for a great vegetable or cracker dip (skip the chips).
• Substitute nonfat plain yogurt for some of the sour cream, salad dressing, or mayo in recipes. It adds great flavor.
• Skip the butter and oil in your stuffing. Use extra celery, onion, and chicken or vegetable stock instead of water. Add a little extra sage and pepper.
• Substitute apple sauce for half of the fat in most recipes you bake.

5. Skip some things. At the buffet, skip the creamy dips, the heavy casseroles, and the gravy. Reach for plain vegetables and sweet potatoes. 

6. Create a colorful plate. Choose bright colored foods, such as cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, squash, red grapes, and broccoli. The bland-colored foods usually have fewer nutrients and more fat...stuffing, mashed potatoes, rolls, casseroles, and gravy.

7. It's not a contest. Don't allow yourself to be intimidated into taking seconds or loading on multiple desserts to please someone. Just have fun and enjoy the family and the food.

Follow a one-plate rule with 1/4 veggies, 1/2 foods rich in lean protein, such as lean turkey breast, chicken , fish, sirloin, filet mignon or flank steak, 1/4 starch, such as rice or potatoes. Leave no more than 1/4 plate for dessert fruit or a decadent treat. 

8. Make everything you eat worth it! Only eat the real treats! Holidays are an important time to enjoy traditional, holiday-specific foods, such as pumpkin pie and turkey. Avoid foods you can have at any time of year...bread with butter, chips and dip, a box of cookies. You'll leave room for the special holiday treats you cherish only once or twice a year. If you don't really love it, don't eat it!

9. Enjoy the turkey! Eat a sizable amount of skinless turkey because it is so lean and low in calories. Enjoy plenty of turkey leftovers with cranberry sauce. Skip the rolls or cornbread.

10. Share the leftovers. Instead of taking home or keeping all that pie, try giving it away to friends, family, or even a local shelter. It will keep you from unhealthy snacking while you're doing your IGNITE for a couple of days after the big holiday meal. 


viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2011

If Oprah couldn't get people to eat right, what makes you think Xyngular can?

The problem with obesity isn't that scientists don't know the truth about nutrition or what keeps our weight under control. Most dieters have made a career of reading every book and magazine on nutrition and weight loss they can find. Every day there are more and more great books and articles on how to eat right. We all know that empty junk food is bad for us. 

Oprah knows how to stay thin. She has a personal trainer and chef to make it easy. But her audience, as enthusiastic as they were, haven't been able to crack the code in their own lives. What's the answer? It's not one more diet book or ab machine. The long-term battle for optimal weight seems so far out of reach for most people.

How many ab machines have been marketed in the last decade? 

How many are collecting dust in attics all over the world? Why do 95% of all dieters gain more weight within a year of ending their diet? Why is none of this information or equipment working to keep us trim and healthy?
For the answer, just follow the money trail. Where are the marketing and advertising dollars spent? On empty foods. What huge industries continue to expand as our waistlines expand? Why are there huge government subsidies for crops that fill the empty food pipeline? We don't see government subsidies for broccoli growers. 

Remember, big tobacco companies were marketing their lethal products with little restraint for years until fairly recently.
So what took the American tobacco empires down? It was a grassroots movement that hit them on every level over decades until they had to buckle to advertising restrictions, anti-smoking ads, and label laws.
So what's the missing link? If empty food is the new tobacco, what can we at Xyngular do to make a difference and bring the huge empty-food monster industries to their knees? 

Our society has become addicted to convenience. We need convenient, affordable systems to replace the empty food traps and habits we're caught up in. They have to do something about the cravings and lack of energy.
At Xyngular we've provided that missing link and people everywhere are seeing results. 

We have introduced a system, a food environment that gives people structure and tracks to run on. If wolves are destroying the sheep, you need fences to keep out the wolves. The IGNITE™ system is the answer. It's the fence that keeps the monster cravings under control and the energy high for exercise. We have a system that lifts our spirits while it sheds the pounds.

Our system keeps certain empty foods out of the house and helps tame our cravings for them. We learn a new culture. We join a new network of friends that are all enlisted together and winning the weight-loss war together one conference call at a time. And together...as a committed, grassroots team...we are enrolling recruits and making a difference all over the world...one person at a time. 

1. Who do you know who loves to join a cause and spread the word? Put them on your list. Tell them about Xyngular's mission to overcome obesity. Share the heartfelt success stories. Many more people will join if they know they are enlisting in a cause.

2. Sometimes joining the army, identifying the enemy, and enlisting in a cause, makes the war against obesity easier to wage. Use ideas from this article to help tell your story about Xyngular's mission to reverse obesity...one person at a time.


viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011

Can you afford to NOT take Xyngular® products?

Adding a monthly Xyngular autoship to the family budget may seem to some like a burden in this period of economic difficulty.
Successful Distributors are quick to point out that by simply sharing your weight-loss success on Facebook, you can quickly recoup the costs and even start making money because your friends will monitor your success and want to know how they can do it too. You'll quickly pay for your own ongoing program. That's the way we share and grow. 

But what if you don't want to share your success? Are there still economic benefits to lowering that weight and keeping it where it needs to be?

What are the costs of being overweight? According to a recent article in the Atlantic Monthly, statistics show that "the obese are more likely to be depressed, to miss school or work, to feel suicidal, to earn less, and to find it difficult to marry" (Mark Ambinder, "Beating Obesity" The Atlantic Monthly Magazine May 2010). Those situations have real costs and extra expenses attached to them in virtually every family...the poor and the rich. They are a real part of the budget for every family where obesity is a factor.

Take the health care costs. According to the Atlantic Monthly, "Obese Americans spend about 42 percent more than healthy-weight people on medical care each year. Improper weight and diet strongly correlate with chronic diseases, which account for three-fourths of all health-care spending." 

Imagine that...three-fourths of health care spending. Think what this means for a family who has an obese member who could do what many Xyngular clients have done and lose 100 pounds or more. Is it possible your monthly medical expenses would go down by more than the cost of your Xyngular autoship? Do the numbers for your family's health care budget, and see how it might work for you. Maybe there are health care expenses that will inevitably come, but you've been putting them off. Figure in those unavoidable expenses too.

These costs are most apparent for those with diabetes. The article continues, "Type 2 diabetes is one of the leading drivers of rising costs for Medicare patients, and 60 percent of cases result directly from weight gain."
Xyngular Distributors and clients with diabetes have seen remarkable improvements in both their budgets and their health. Just ask them. 

1. If you or a member of your family is obese, try to estimate the true costs of the condition . Compare that with the cost of a monthly Xyngular autoshipment. Prepare a story with estimated figures and share it with the rest of us.

2. Evaluate the costs of lowering mediations for diabetes treatments because of Xyngular weight loss. Share those figures with us.

3. Distributors frequently share the emotional costs associated with being overweight or obese. Gather those examples into stories you can share to help your friends recognize that the costs of Xyngular products are minor by comparison. 


martes, 8 de noviembre de 2011

Have fun with Eat 'n CHEATs

If you haven't seen the new YouTube video on Eat 'n Cheat in the back office and on the Xyngular YouTube site, be sure to check it out, listen a few times, and try duplicating it in your area. Here are some benefits and a quick outline to get you started. 

Cala Stadel's record-breaking, contest-winning Kansas team uses Eat 'n CHEATs to build a lot of team spirit and have a lot of fun helping each other grow everyone's business.

The team recently videoed an Eat 'n CHEAT at a local pizza restaurant. The testimonials were great, the product presentation by Laci Friend was outstanding, and Cala herself did a terrific job of presenting the opportunity and closing the audience. 

If you're wondering whether Eat 'n CHEATs would work in your area, here is an outline and some advantages.

Benefits of Eat 'n CHEATs:
• They build team spirit and promote enthusiasm because everyone gets involved in presenting and sharing success stories.

• They're a great way to train new team members.

• They're inexpensive. The location is nice and can be FREE, the pizza is affordable (at one slice per person), you only need to have attendees taste an ounce of the Global Blend or samples of mixed up XypStix (they can also taste a LEAN Shake if you want). 

• You send a clear message that you can eat normally with Xyngular's weight loss program. It's pizza, after all. 

Here's a quick outline, but watch the video to fill in the blanks and enjoy the jokes.
1. Welcome and tell a success story that involves both health and income. Give an outline of what will be happening. This should take about 3 minutes.

2. Have a few success stories from customers and Distributors involving both income and product success. This should take about 5 minutes. 

3. Have a different Distributor present the products. This should take about 10 minutes. You can sample the products as you go.

4. Invite everyone to sprinkle CHEAT on a slice of pizza, and let them know that they're actually consuming 3/4 of a slice but feeling like it's a full slice. They'll see how much to sprinkle on.

5. Have a different Distributor present the company, the opportunity, the starter packages, and close the room by inviting guests to meet with the person who brought them. 

It's simple, it's inexpensive, it's fun, and it's a great training tool and team building activity. 

1. Get together with your team and watch the video on YouTube. Make plans to launch Eat 'n CHEATs in your area.

2. Talk about your success with Eat 'n CHEATs on Facebook. Show pictures. 


7 ways to enjoy the holidays and still stay slim

We're into the months of November and December. If you've recently Xyngularized your life, you may be dreading these months with all their holidays and parties because in the past they were responsible for blowing your resolve. All that peer pressure from relatives and friends telling you to "lighten up and give in." It could be scary. Or it could be fun. 

If you plan ahead with a few rules you set for yourself, you could have a great time at all your family gatherings and celebrations. You can certainly stay slender within the Xyngular® holiday guidelines and possibly even persuade a few of your friends and family members to join you in your Xyngular lifestyle change. Here are a few ideas.

Remember, it's not about testing your willpower against the impossible social pressure of your boss' favorite high-calorie indulgence. Here are 7 ways to become your own best ally in your weight loss battle.

#1: Let Facebook help you. Start now broadcasting how you're going to approach the holidays, have all the fun you can, and still keep the weight off. 

#2: Invite friends to join you in your Xyngular "I'm not going to gain weight through the holidays" challenge. Make it a club and a commitment. Get those who join you to check on you. Give yourselves "free days" followed by all the systems Xyngular has taught you in the IGNITE™ program likely only having protein after 5:00 p.m. or going back on a few days of IGNITE after a "free day."

#3: Never go to a holiday party starving. Grab something healthy with natural fiber or protein on the way out the door to the party. A LEAN Shake is perfect. These foods will start digesting slowly, and set in motion the hunger-satisfying chemicals in your brain that will help you resist the loads of empty carbs that you'll be offered in the way of candy and rich desserts. You'll be able to resist seconds and suggest smaller portions if the chemicals in your brain are working on your behalf. 

#4: Keep healthy treats that you love around the house. Search for recipes and treats from healthy stores. Stock up on things you can look forward to enjoying. It could be special sharp cheeses with fresh fruits or shrimp with a little cocktail sauce. 

#5: Plan ahead of time to choose foods you want a lot of. Don't think in terms of what you can't have. That will just make you crazy. Plan ahead for what you can. Instead of lamenting that you can't have, plan on having all you want of what you can have. Enjoy plenty of white turkey meat with steamed vegetables or fresh cranberry sauce. 

#6: Bring healthy treats and dishes of your own. Find a great recipe for spinach soufflé. If you have something really delicious and healthy, you can be your own biggest fan and take most of your meal from your own dish. 

#7: Plan ahead for Protein-Only days and protein-only meals. Even with the free days, make sure the overall impact of the holidays is healthy and lean. Treat yourself to especially delicious protein-only treats like special cuts of meat or fish and exceptionally flavorful LEAN Shake recipes. 

1. As you plan the holiday parties and start accepting invitations, take time to glance through this list and plan ahead. Shop now for healthy treats so you don't get caught in the trap of last-minute choices that you can't thing through properly.

2. Start the season right with your Xyngular team party and a commitment to share only healthy treats including holiday versions of LEAN Shakes and other ways to use Xyngular products. Remind them how they can CHEAT everything. 


viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2011

Wednesday, November 30th - Product Call - Flush

Wednesday, November 30th - Product Call - Flush
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Guest: Jim Ayres
Join Jim Ayres, Xyngular's amazing Nutritional Product Developer, and learn how FLUSH helps you lose weight, detox, and stay healthy!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#

Wednesday, November 23rd - Product Call - AXION

Wednesday, November 23rd - Product Call - AXION
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Guest: Jim Ayres
Join Jim Ayres, Xyngular's amazing Nutritional Product Developer, and catch all the excitement and buzz on Xyngular's newest product AXION and its benefits!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#

Wednesday, November 16th - Product Call - Cheat

Wednesday, November 16th - Product Call - Cheat
6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9PM Eastern
Guest: Jim Ayres
Join Jim Ayres, Xyngular's amazing Nutritional Product Developer, and learn how to CHEAT as you eat!
(712) 432-0075 PIN: 968699#

An amazing antioxidant your body produces when you give it a LEAN Shake

Your body is designed for health, but only if you give it all the ingredients it needs such as healthy foods, exercise, water, enough sleep, and you limit the toxic influences. It's important to supply sufficient antioxidants so you limit free radical and oxidative damage that can erode your health. Oxidation is what browns an apple when you cut it and leave it out.

Free radicals are reactive particles that damage your cells. They proliferate due to stress, poor diet, toxins, and even the basic process of metabolism.

Free radicals accelerate aging as well as the degenerative conditions associated with deteriorating health.

Fortunately your body has antioxidants that help to sweep up free radicals and neutralize them so they can't destroy your good health.
Your body naturally produces a wonderful network of antioxidants like vitamins, minerals, and special chemicals. Some are produced by the body, and others have to come from foods you eat.

One of these special chemicals is glutathione. It seems to take the lead in keeping the other antioxidants in check and in optimizing them

Glutathione (pronounced glute-a-thigh-own) is one of the most powerful antioxidants in your body. It can help maximize the action of all other antioxidants, including vitamins C and E, CoQ10, and the antioxidants you consume from fruits and vegetables.

As you would expect, the aging process gradually erodes your body's ability to create glutathione. Synthetic chemicals, toxins, and sugars also deplete your glutathione.
That's why you see glutathione supplements. However, glutathione doesn't seem to be as effective in supplement form as it is in real foods and juices. 

Most glutathione supplements are not absorbed well and are often a waste of money. And surprisingly, glutathione supplements may even interfere with the body's ability to produce glutathione on its own over time.
Fortunately there are ways of boosting glutathione levels naturally and protect you from the adverse effects of aging.
One way is to exercise, another is to get plenty of vitamin D. You'll find a supply of vitamin D in AXION.
Other foods, such as milk products, eggs, and meat contain concentrations of the precursor amino acids that help your body make glutathione. 

Fresh raw fruits and vegetables are excellent for glutathione production. Benefits are highest from fresh spinach, asparagus, avocado, cauliflower, broccoli, walnuts, and tomatoes. 

But the best food to maximize your body's glutathione production is quality whey protein like that found in LEAN Shakes. LEAN also provides all the key amino acids that help with glutathione production.

The high-quality whey protein and amino acids in LEAN can have these dramatic benefits: 

• Supports your body's best metabolism for fat burning
• Supports your joint and muscle health
• Supports your immune system
• Protects all your cells through its antioxidant effects
• Boosts your energy
• Supports your beneficial bacteria
• Promotes muscle strength, endurance, and recovery
• Provides key amino acids and proteins 

1. Put "glutathione" on your list of words to watch for in articles on health. When you see it, point it out to friends and let them know about LEAN Shakes.

2. Take another look at the list of benefits from improved glutathione production, and note all the people on your contact list who need to know about CORE4 and LEAN Shakes. Send them a link to this article with an excited phone call and a follow-up visit.


martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011

Delicious ways to boost your fiber and health It's a lot easier and tastier than you think

Fiber is one of the easiest nutrients to add to your diet, and one of the most important, especially for weight management. With a high fiber diet, you get full with fewer calories so you have fewer cravings. High fiber foods also tend to be more nutritious. All the book titles that claim you can "eat more and weigh less" center around high-fiber diets.
Most people don't get the recommended 25 to 30 grams of fiber every day. You can have an increased risk for many health problems if you don't have enough fiber... constipation, weight gain, high cholesterol, irritable bowel syndrome, and even colon cancer.

What is fiber?
Fiber is the part of plant foods that our bodies can't digest. Animal foods like meat, eggs, and dairy contain no fiber.
When fiber passes through our digestive system, it acts like a broom, sweeping away toxins and even some excess calories. That's why CHEAT works so well. It surrounds and sweeps away up to a fourth of the calories in the foods you sprinkle it on. Here are some easy ways to get even more fiber in your diet:

Replace your white bread with whole grain bread
Many breads are packed with fiber--after all, just 1/2 cup of whole wheat flour packs more than 7 grams. Look for words like "whole grain" at the top of the ingredients list, but remember to look at the fiber in the Nutrition Facts, not just the ingredients. Some "whole wheat" breads are mostly white bread with just a pinch of whole grain added for color and marketing. If you only see one or two grams of dietary fiber per slice, it means the bread is made mostly from white flour, not whole wheat. You'll soon be able to tell the difference in rolls, bagels, tortillas, and other baked goods.

Leave the sugary cereals on the shelves
Whole grain cereals and bran flakes are usually packed with fiber--about 5 grams in a ¾ cup serving! Some pack as many as 14 grams of fiber in each serving! If you're having a hard time swallowing these healthier varieties, try adding sweetness with fresh, whole fruit, vanilla soy milk, flavored yogurt, a touch of honey, or a calorie-free sweetener like stevia.

Pass the beans
Legumes like beans, lentils, and peanuts are always a healthy choice, usually containing as many as 6 to 7 grams of fiber in every 1/2 cup serving (cooked). Plus, you can easily add them to just about any meal. Enjoy them heated as a side, in soups or chili, added to salads, or in place of meat in a main dish. Enjoy them in spreads like hummus and peanut butter. Beans provide plenty of fiber, protein, and healthy fat. All three keep you feeling fuller longer.
Sweeten with fruit and add volume with vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are considered by many people to be negative, tasteless "diet" foods. But because they need to become staples of everyone's diet, you need to find ways to begin seeing them as tasty wonders. They're high in volume, low in calories, and high in fiber--a great combination for anyone who wants to fill up without breaking the calorie budget.
Pick fruits that are high in flavor, fiber, and sweetness. One cup of fresh red raspberries holds a whopping 8 grams of fiber, and blackberries are close behind at about 7.5 grams. Pears, prunes, and apples all measure up at about 4 grams of fiber per serving.
Many vegetables are a little lower in fiber, but still a great source. Acorn squash (1/2 cup baked) provides about 4.5 grams of fiber, and a baked potato (with the skin) comes in at just fewer than 4 grams. Get 2 grams of fiber in a serving of broccoli, asparagus, cabbage, carrots, green beans, spinach, lettuce, or tomatoes.
Add plenty of chopped or blended vegetables as filler for recipes you enjoy such as spaghetti sauce, chili, casseroles, omelettes, etc. It will add flavor and fiber.

More tips for adding healthy, tasty fiber
1. Choose fresh fruit and/or raw vegetables instead of juice.
2. To get more fiber and nutrients, enjoy the skin of cleaned fruits and vegetables.
3. Enjoy bran and whole grain products daily.
4. Look for high fiber tortillas and double-fiber breads.
5. Drink more water to help reduce indigestion as you're gradually increasing your fiber.
6. Eat fewer processed foods and more whole foods.
7. A sudden, large increase in fiber in your diet over a short period of time could result in bloating, diarrhea, gas, and digestive discomfort. It is better to add fiber to your diet gradually over a three week period.

1. Keep a food diary for a few days to make sure you're getting from 25 to 30 grams of fiber in your diet every day. Monitor your water intake as well. Make sure you're getting close to a gallon a day.
2. Read labels for a week or two when you shop to make sure you're getting the brands with the highest fiber. This is particularly important for grain products.
3. Go through your family's favorite recipes and try adding more blended or chopped vegetables to them for greater flavor, fiber, volume, and weight loss.
