viernes, 7 de octubre de 2011

5 reasons most weight loss attempts fail and what Xyngular is doing about it

So many people have tried dutifully counting their calories, eating low-fat, following the government's recommended dietary guidelines and yet they're still gaining weight.
They become confused, disillusioned, and give up. They may not even be willing to consider the Xyngular solutions.
What they need to understand is that there are things in their program that trigger weight gain.
Has their "diet" been making them fat
Most people see a diet as a short-term sacrifice intended to get the weight off. Most finish the diet, go back to their old eating habits, and regain the weight...usually with a little more added.
Xyngular weight loss is a foundational change. It's a change that people can live with long term. They feel satisfied and energized after every meal and snack...not hungry and ravenous.
So what are the reasons the typical "diets" don't work. Share these reasons with your friends, and they may be willing to try Xyngular.
1. People blame their weight on bad genes
While it's certain that genes have something to do with being overweight, people need to use their "bad" genes as a reason to turn to Xyngular for a much-needed solution. We all need to do something more about our genes than just complain about them or give into them.
2. They put too much faith in celebrity diets
When celebrities speak, people follow. The diets are too often extreme or bizarre and the results are disastrous. People use Xyngular for weight management not because they're paid for the bizarre press coverage, but because it's safe, it's science, and it works.
3. They use low-fat diets
Low-fat diets that replace fats with extra sweets and starches have proven over time to be a weight-loss disaster. The science is in. Low-fat diets don't work. Here's the best reason to have sufficient fat in your diet: if you cut out virtually all fat, your body will start storing fat. If you cut out the fat in an extreme way; you'll start to activate a hormone cascade that can lead to exhaustion, depression, insulin resistance, inflammation, memory loss, and so forth. Fat, per-se doesn't make you fat. Empty nutrition, too much insulin, and unhealthy fats do.
4. They skip breakfast
The only reason to ever skip breakfast is because all you're eating is donuts or sugary cereals. Skipping breakfast is the very best way to slow down your metabolism and help you store extra fat. Again and again studies have proven that those who regularly eat breakfast will have fewer calories throughout the day. Those who skip breakfast get fatter because their natural body chemistry forces them to have too many calories later in the day. They're probably eating too much before bed, which is one of the worst habits for those who struggle with their weight.
5. They follow general government guidelines
We all need to understand that one of the major functions of government and politics is to gather funding and not antagonize voters or powerful lobbies. Solid science isn't necessarily on the list of those they don't want to offend. The recent food-guide pyramids and plates put out by the government are compromises, and do not necessarily represent the best science. Try the Xyngular recommendations for yourself for a few weeks then try the "balanced" diet the government recommends with all its empty foods, high carbs, low fat, high starch, pasta, breads, sugars, etc. You'll be able to tell from how you feel in each program which one works best.

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