domingo, 9 de octubre de 2011

Drinking Water Helps Weight Loss

Here's a common trick that dieters have tried for centuries: two cups of water before each meal. A study recently reported in Discovery News in 2010 actually gave hard evidence that increasing your water intake by this amount is a useful weight-loss strategy.

According to the article, "The reason could be physical. According to some research, water consumption might spark the body to produce more heat, boosting metabolism and burning more calories. Or, drinking more water might simply make people less likely to drink a lot of high-calorie sugar-filled beverages."

Water for weight loss?
If you don't drink enough, it's easy to become dehydrated. Many dieters have noticed that dehydration often mimics hunger. If you feel you're doing everything right in the Xyngular programs and you still feel hungry, it may be that drinking more water may help. 

Jim Ayres has long been an advocate of getting a "gallon of water a day" when you're on the IGNITE. That's important advice.

If you want to lose weight, pure water may be one of your most important secret weapons for fighting off cravings and reducing hunger.
It's not just your weight that is affected by not enough water. Studies show that chronic dehydration from not enough water is linked to many conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, hypertension, multiple sclerosis, asthma, and others. 

Make water your first choice for best weight management success
One of the best pieces of no-cost advice you can give anyone trying to lose weight is to switch from whatever else they're drinking to water. This simple tip is often the reason people unnecessarily plateau in their weight loss efforts.
Even so-called healthy alternatives like Vitamin Water, Jamba Juice, and specialty drinks found in health food stores contain far more added liquid calories than many desserts! 

It's not just soda that's the problem
We've all heard that cutting out a single can of soda a day translates to more than a pound of weight gain every month...but soda isn't the only thing that can create this result.

All kinds of studies with children have implicated juices (even all-fruit juices) and flavored drinks of all kinds in contributing to their weight gain.
So for best results just switch to water. Try it for yourself and see. 

How much should you drink a day?
If you are healthy, then drinking water when you feel thirsty could be an adequate guide. But here's another trick to tell whether you're drinking enough water:
Make sure your urine is a light color of yellow. Dark yellow urine is a sign that you need more water. If you exercise a lot or the temperature is high, you'll need more water than normal. Also, as you grow older your thirst mechanism becomes less efficient, so older adults will want to take special measures to assure that they're drinking water regularly. 

Water and CORE4
Drinking Jim Ayres' full recommendation of "a gallon a day" becomes especially important when you're doing an IGNITE program or using any of the CORE4 programs to keep the weight off. High protein diets typically lack the soluble and insoluble fiber you need to stay regular and healthy. That's why FLUSH is part of the keep your system clean and healthy as you replace carbohydrate calories with protein calories and go into fat-burning mode. 

But what happens with added fiber and even mild cleansing products if you're not drinking enough water? Right. Lots of gastric problems. And even if you don't feel them, it's very important that you have plenty of water while you're using our products.
CHEAT is also a great weight-management product that requires lots of water to work most effectively. It's totally safe and highly effective...even more so with plenty of water.
If you're using any of our products...make sure you're monitoring your water intake...not just waiting until you're thirsty to have a drink.

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