sábado, 29 de octubre de 2011

LEAN-44 incredible calories that really count

Other shakes on the market have 100 to 200 calories. How can LEAN do the job with only 44 calories? Some people might think, "Shouldn't I be using 2 scoops so I don't starve?"

Actually, with LEAN, less is more. Our LEAN shake is extremely stingy in calories but extremely rich in quality of ingredients that work to help you lose weight and body fat.
LEAN is a remarkable weight loss tool because you feel completely satisfied with so few calories.

 Because of the high quality protein, you preserve lean muscle mass. The more lean muscle you have, the more calories you'll burn without even trying.

The chemical side of hunger

Let's talk about body chemistry for a moment and what satisfies hunger. When your body has all 9 essential amino acids in a shake each morning or for a hunger-busting snack at any time during the day, your body chemistry doesn't send you scrambling for empty carbohydrates and sugars to get rid of the voracious cravings. The high quality protein also satisfies hunger and lasts for hours. Those sparse 44 calories really count. Other cheap shakes have more useless calories from sweeteners and fillers that make you feel full. The whole idea behind LEAN is that you're turning your body into a fat-burning machine, so the lower the calories the better as long as the energy is still there and the hunger satisfaction is taken care of.

Use LEAN to avoid hunger anytime

One of the greatest enemies of weight loss is hunger and cravings. Skipping meals or snacks isn't smart because of your body chemistry. You may feel great skipping a mea...especially breakfast. You think at the time that you're saving calories.

But sometime during the day your body chemistry is going to start crying out for all the wrong types of calories. You can't fight these chemicals for long. They'll win every time. They affect your emotions, your energy, your focus...everything that keeps you stable. You'll end up bingeing and hating yourself and the cycle will continue until you break it with LEAN.

Fill that void with LEAN. Have it first thing in the morning. If you even think about being hungry during the day, fill that empty feeling with 44-calorie LEAN. Remember what you learned during IGNITE...you want 5 eating experiences every single day. LEAN is a great way to fill some of them quickly and easily.

The other great thing about LEAN is that it's part of CORE4...a complete system of weight loss. So you're not counting on a shake alone without the support of Accelerate and FLUSH. You also have CHEAT to help you lower the calories on everything else you eat. The net result is an amazingly low number of calories with no hunger and high energy.

1. File this article in a place where you can quickly refer to it to help you overcome the objection that there are too few calories in LEAN.

2. Collect your own stories supporting the ideas in this article. Write them in the margins and practice telling them on conference calls and 3-way calls until it becomes natural for you to tell LEAN stories everywhere you go. Listen on conference calls and collect other people's stories too.

3. Try multiple ways of using LEAN to keep your excitement high about the product you're your creative imagination busy. Share LEAN shake and smoothie recipes with members of your team to keep retention high. Share the best ones on Facebook.


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