martes, 24 de enero de 2012

Commitment #1: I will think progress...not perfection

12 commitments to keep us on track during our 90-day Body Transformation Challenge
Commitment #1: I will think progress...not perfection

Losing weight can feel overwhelming, especially to those who have tried lots of different systems and failed again and again. It's normal for many of us start our 90-Day Body Transformation wondering how long it will take and worrying that it won't work. 

Anything as important and profound as a return to our optimal, healthy weight takes time, patience, and simple habits consistently done that naturally compound over time.

That's why it's extremely important as we start our 90-day journey to think progress...not perfection. Little, modest shifts in everyday habits add up to huge changes of major proportion for our lives and happiness.

How many Xyngular testimonials have we read that say, "Xyngular gave me my life back"? What is that worth to you? Is it worth making those tiny shifts in daily habits that add up to "getting your life back"?
Like climbing a mountain, it's important to simply put one foot in front of another, not looking at how far we are from the top and being overwhelmed.

Here are some suggestions for keeping our commitment to those small, incremental daily habits instead of being overwhelmed by the vision of perfection. 

1. Imagine what's going on inside. As you make these small lifestyle changes, a tremendous amount of invisible change is going on inside your body...but you won't see it as quickly as you want on the outside of your body. You're reconditioning your body's whole metabolic functioning to burn fat. These are tremendous hormonal and cellular changes. 

2. Don't beat yourself up for missing some habits on a single busy day. One day isn't going to upset these major changes. If you slip for a day, get back on track the next. You're still moving forward.

3. Be honest with yourself. Because so much is happening that you can't see, especially at first, you're going to need to believe in yourself and in the amazing Xyngular weight-loss process. Don't let yourself use the excuse that "it's not working" to avoid committing to the simple steps required for your complete Body Transformation. It is sooo worth it. 

Watch for next week's promise.
Many ideas for this and the other articles in this series were gathered from suggestions by Kathy Smith, a well-known fitness icon who has led the charge for exercising, losing weight, and eating healthy for over 30 years. 


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